Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oystered beef!

It feels like I haven't posted in a while, actually I just haven't eaten anything worth talking about. I tried something new again today though! I ordered randomly from a menu today and ended up eating beef with oyster sauce.
I don't think I've ever had oyster sauce before so I thought it would be quite a new taste, but really it didn't taste very different to me than the other sauces that are used at most American Chinese restaraunts, it just seemed a little salty, like soy sauce. All in all the food was ok, but nothing amazing, probably because I went to a not very good place to get it (Not much is open late at night by my work. I'll try and eat something worthy of a longer story and better review soon!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMECO!!! (A bit late on the blog, but I already told you on the right day =)


mameco said...

I like oyster sauce cuz it makes any dishes mild. I hope you will find a delicious dish!

Thank you for the birthday wishes. I really liked the food birthday card.